Pre-Delivery Body Preparation

Ages 5-18

Pre-delivery doula patient visits are an essential part of the doula’s role in providing support to expectant parents. These visits help build a strong rapport, provide education, and address any questions or concerns the expectant parents may have. 

Pre-delivery doula visits should be tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the expectant parents. These visits help build trust and confidence between the doula and the birthing person, ensuring that the doula can provide effective support during labor and delivery.

If you prepare yourself at every point as well as you can…you will be able to grasp the opportunity for broader experience when it appears.

-Eleanor Roosevelt


Here are some key topics we’ll  cover during pre-delivery doula patient visits:

Birth Preferences and Goals
  • Discuss the birthing person’s desires and goals for labor and delivery.
  • Explore preferences for pain management, birthing positions, and medical interventions.
  • Review any specific birth plans or preferences the expectant parents have.
Birth Plan Development
  • If the birthing person hasn’t created a birth plan, assist them in developing one.
  • Discuss what should be included in the birth plan and help them articulate their wishes.
Medical Procedures and Interventions
  • Explain common medical procedures and interventions that may occur during labor and birth.
  • Provide information on the potential benefits and risks associated with these interventions.
Comfort Measures and Pain Management
  • Discuss various comfort measures, such as breathing techniques, relaxation, massage, and positioning.
  • Explain pain management options, including natural methods, epidurals, and other medications.
Coping Strategies
  • Share coping strategies for managing pain, anxiety, and stress during labor.
  • Discuss mindfulness techniques, visualization, and other relaxation methods.
Birth Environment
  • Talk about creating a comfortable and soothing birth environment, whether at home or in a hospital or birth center.
  • Discuss the use of music, aromatherapy, and other elements to enhance the birthing environment.
Partner's Role
  • Explain the important role of the partner or support person during labor and how they can best assist the birthing person.
  • Offer guidance on how partners can provide emotional and physical support.
Communication with Healthcare Providers
  • Discuss effective communication strategies with healthcare providers, emphasizing the importance of advocating for the birthing person’s preferences.
  • Encourage questions to ask the medical team and help the expectant parents prepare for interactions with caregivers.
Signs of Labor
  • Educate the expectant parents on the signs of labor, including contractions, water breaking, and other indicators.
  • Explain when to call the healthcare provider or go to the birthing facility.
Emotional Support
  • Address any fears, anxieties, or concerns the birthing person may have about labor and childbirth.
  • Provide emotional support and reassurance.
Postpartum Planning
  • Touch on postpartum topics, such as breastfeeding, newborn care, and emotional well-being after childbirth.
  • Offer resources and guidance for the postpartum period.
Birth Team Coordination
  • Discuss how the doula will work alongside other members of the birthing team, such as nurses, midwives, or doctors.
  • Ensure everyone is on the same page regarding the birthing person’s preferences.
Emergency Plans
  • Discuss emergency scenarios and what to do in case of unexpected complications.
  • Develop a plan for handling unforeseen situations while advocating for the birthing person’s well-being.
Expectant Parent Questions
  • Encourage the expectant parents to ask any questions or express any concerns they may have.
  • Create an open and supportive environment for discussion.

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